"My Carhartts indicate that I mean capital B Business."

I’m A Real Boy Now! (This is for you, Woodcraft Cashiers), 2021. Dimensions variable. Paper, Wood, Medium Density Fiberboard, Found Objects, Braided Cord, Oriented Strand Board, Canvas, Wood Shavings from Oak and Maple and Walnut and Poplar and Other Woods, Craft Felt, Velcro.
"Safety First!"
"Safety First!"
"Now take a nice, good look, lad. That's a good looking piece of wood right there."
"Now take a nice, good look, lad. That's a good looking piece of wood right there."
"Just because you are wearing your Dickies carpenter jeans doesn’t mean you are ready to use this shop. It takes time to learn to respect the Sawstop Professional Cabinet Saw. Now let me show you how it’s done."
"Just because you are wearing your Dickies carpenter jeans doesn’t mean you are ready to use this shop. It takes time to learn to respect the Sawstop Professional Cabinet Saw. Now let me show you how it’s done."
"With the Sawstop, keeping the tool up to date and working mighty fine is an act of vigilance and knowing just what goes where."
"With the Sawstop, keeping the tool up to date and working mighty fine is an act of vigilance and knowing just what goes where."
"It's important to note that to work in a workshop like this one requires a measure of seriousness that not everybody can muster."
"It's important to note that to work in a workshop like this one requires a measure of seriousness that not everybody can muster."
"Now I do sincerely apologize; I sure do need to sweep up. Cleanliness is next to godliness."
"Now I do sincerely apologize; I sure do need to sweep up. Cleanliness is next to godliness."